The Review Of Austrian Economics 23
1 - Menger’s causal-realist analysis in modern economics
Joseph T. Salerno
2 - Response to Congleton and Wagner’s reviews of “Is the Welfare State Justified?”
Daniel Shapiro
3 - Thoughts on Daniel Shapiro's “Is the welfare state justified?”
Roger D. Congleton
4 - Competing explanations of the Minsky moment: The financial instability hypothesis in light of Austrian theory
David L. Prychitko
5 - Spontaneous order and positive legislation: Ruminating on Daniel Shapiro’s justification of the welfare state
Richard E. Wagner
6 - Knowledge shifts and the business cycle: When boom turns to bust
David Howden
7 - Schütz on meaning and culture
Virgil Henry Storr
8 - Exploring the failure of foreign aid: The role of incentives and information
Claudia R. Williamson
9 - Money in occupied New Orleans, 1862–1868: A test of Selgin’s “salvaging” of Gresham’s Law
Gary M. Pecquet and Clifford F. Thies
10 - Competition as market progress: An Austrian rationale for agent-based modeling
Guinevere Liberty Nell
11 - Arbitrage and knowledge
Tyler Watts
12 - From contract to mental model: Constitutional culture as a fact of the social sciences
Nikolai Wenzel
13 - Nobelity and novelty: Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott’s contributions viewed from Vienna
J. Robert Subrick and Andrew T. Young
UPDATE: 14 - Austrian economics behind the iron curtain: The rebirth of an intellectual tradition
Anthony J. Evans
15 - Bank reserves: A dispute over words and classification
Leland B. Yeager 16 - Jesus Huerta de Soto, Book review of The Austrian school: Market order and entrepreneurial creativity
Daniel D’Amico
UP 2: Tipo, eu não sei qual é o número, mas vamos lá, é de agosto, daqueles online first: http://www.4shared.com/file/Se1MdKU7/rae_august2010_23-3_.html
Versão em Inglês: http://www.4shared.com/file/164299312/393dfb03/The_Review_Of_Austrian_Economi.html
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